Following are some of the new features implemented:
- Plugins: Implemented MLP classification algorithm; Added a Regularized version of the CSP filter trainer; Added a new plugin category for evaluation; Added 3 new boxes to evaluation: kappa coefficient, ROCCurve, General Statistics Generator.
- New open source drivers: eemagine EEGO.
- New binary drivers: Brain Rhythm 8, Simulator, SmartBCI and Wearable Sensing Dry Sensor Interface.
- More Plugins: The LDA now has a native multiclass mode; The Spatial Filter box now accepts a configuration file which contains a matrix (refer to the doc for the format specification); The xDawn and the CSP trainer can generate matrix file for the spatial filter; Various optimizations of the Spatial Filter; Changed Signal Display refresh paradigm to make it handle bigger datasets; TCP writer box sends Streamed Matrix and Signal in row-major order.
- Misc: Added ASCII import and export functions for IMatrix matrices
- Drivers: Extended Emotiv EPOC support to gnu/linux; Added Software tagging to the universal TMSI driver; Moved the check impedance option to be part of driver preferences; Various updates to BrainProducts VAmp, BrainProducts Brainamp.
- Tutorials: Added an example of stimulation passing to Python.

It is also supported now by more than 20 acquisition devices:
ANT, ANT/EEmagine, Biosemi, BrainMaster, Brain Products, Cognionics, CTF/VSM, EGI, Emotiv, gTec, LabStreamingLayer, mBrainTrain, MCS/MKS, Micromed, MindMedia, Mitsar, Neuroelectrics, Neurosky, OpenBCI, OpenEEG, TMSi.
For more information press