All the links to the 49 publications from the 3rd International BCI Conference, presented in this blog some weeks ago, are available here or at IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
- Tutorial on multimodal neuroimaging for brain-computer interfacing
- Bayesian common spatial patterns
- Brain-computer interface for stroke rehabilitation with clinical studies
- Mobile real-time EEG imaging Bayesian inference with sparse, temporally smooth source priors
- Neuro-driving: Automatic perception technique for upcoming emergency situations
- Spatial projections of neural arrays: A short guide to classic and new signal analysis techniques
- Divergence estimation for machine learning and signal processing
- Progress toward a high-performance neural prosthetic
- Decoding cognitive brain states
- Eeg/sonication-based brain-brain interfacing
- Japanese SRPBS for BMI research: Decoded neurofeedback as a causal tool in systems neuroscience
- A Bayesian approach for spatio-spectral filter optimization in BCI
- A novel P300-based BCI system for words typing
- Non-homogeneous spatial filter optimization for EEG-based brain-computer interfaces
- A novel tactile stimulation system for BCI feedback
- A study on information transfer rate by brain-computer interface (BCI) using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)
- BMFLC with neural network and DE for better event classification
- Classifying ECoG signals prior to voluntary movement onset
- Common spatial patterns based on generalized norms
- Decoding three-dimensional arm movements for brain-machine interface
- Design of a robotic wheelchair with a motor imagery based brain-computer interface
- Detection of multi-class emergency situations during simulated driving from ERP
- Dry electrode design and performance evaluation for EEG based BCI systems
- EEG asymmetry and anxiety
- Eeg-based emotion recogntion during emotionally evocative films
- Eeg-based person authentication using face stimuli
- Effects of rest frames on cybersickness and oscillatory brain activity
- Efficient edge detection method for anatomic feature extraction of neuro-sensory tissue image based on optical coherence tomography
- Emotion classification in movie clips based on 3D fuzzy GIST and EEG signal analysis
- Estimation on the development of cerebral edema from computed tomography preliminary studies for pediatric traumatic brain injury patients
- Ethical and social issues behind brain-computer interface
- Evaluation of feature extraction methods for motor imagery-based bcis in terms of robustness to slight changes of electrode locations
- “Eyes-closed” SSVEP-based BCI for binary communication of individuals with impaired oculomotor function
- Implementation of a mental spelling system based on steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP)
- Learning Markov random field image prior for pixelation removal of fiber microscopy using sparse coding based on Bayesian framework
- Modified pattern-reversal visual checkerboard stimuli with dual alternating frequencies for multi-class ssvep-based brain-computer interfaces
- Motor trajectory decoding based on fMRI-based BCI — A simulation study
- Multimodal imaging technique for rapid response brain-computer interface feedback
- Optimal channel selection based on statistical analysis in high dimensional NIRS data
- P300 speller using a new stimulus presentation paradigm
- Power consumption of wireless EEG device for BCI application: Portable EEG system for BCI
- The beginning of neurohaptics: Controlling cognitive interaction via brain haptic interface
- The effectiveness of epidural ECoG on brain computer interface in primate
- Three-dimensional upper limb movement decoding from EEG signals